My take on Time Series Database requirements
Some time ago, doing some research related to my current work, i stumble upon this excellent article by Baron Schwartz on the topic of Time Series Database requirements. This article is in my opinion the best thing on my reading list for that subject and in this post i will try to expose my own take on this matter building on top of it. Definition of Data Type Baron identify series using two elements: source identifier and metric identifier. I have seem this used on existing products, but from my perspective this is needed for organization purposes and not for series identification. For me the only hard requirement on this matter is that series can be uniquely identified. Therefore a single series identifier is sufficient. You can always provide organization using some kind of namespacing over identifiers (consider the following identifiers “source1.metric1” and “source1.metric2”) or using an independent component to build the relations between series and other elements (groups, a...